Honanki Indian Ruins

Blue Mountains

Venus Baths Bridge

Mt. Rosea Staircase - First Stage

Mt. Rosea Staircase - Second Stage

Venus Baths Retaining Walls

Little Long Lake

Canadian Walling Festival

Aran Isles

Helm Crag

St. Lawrence Islands

Tom Ghyll

Troutbeck Farm

Mart Crag Moor



Monk Coniston



The Lake District

Lake District Photo Gallery


Grand Canyon

North Bass Survey

North Bass Reconstruction

Glen Canyon

Donner Pass

Lake Tahoe

Honanki - Stage I

Honanki - Stage II

Lake Elizabeth.

Pumphouse Wash

Kanab Creek




Photo Page 3

Construction of accessible(barrier free) trail to ruins.
The Honanki cliff dwellings are an archaelogical site of national importance. Roughly one thousand years ago Anasazi Indians settled here. They built mortared masonry structures over the following three hundred years before abandoning the area. The U.S. Forest Service who manages the site wanted to replace the existing trail with one suitable for people of limited mobility. This required re-alining the trail to a gentler grade along with constructing a large switchback and viewing platform.

In areas that were to be disturbed by construction, a team of volunteers and N.A.C.C. members searched for and recorded pre-Columbian artifacts.

All soil removed during excavation was passed through a fine sifter. Items found included obsidian arrowheads, turquoise pendants and carved wooden figures.

In areas where the rock wall was to be built on bedrock, a footing was made by scoring the foundation with a diamond tipped saw. Hand tools were then used to sculpt an in-sloped bench.

Upper wall nearing completion.

Finished walls with hand rail installed.