Honanki Stage - II

Blue Mountains

Venus Baths Bridge

Mt. Rosea Staircase - First Stage

Mt. Rosea Staircase - Second Stage

Venus Baths Retaining Walls

Little Long Lake

Canadian Walling Festival

Aran Isles

Helm Crag

St. Lawrence Islands

Tom Ghyll

Troutbeck Farm

Mart Crag Moor



Monk Coniston



The Lake District

Lake District Photo Gallery


Grand Canyon

North Bass Survey

North Bass Reconstruction

Glen Canyon

Donner Pass

Lake Tahoe

Honanki - Stage I

Honanki - Stage II

Lake Elizabeth.

Pumphouse Wash

Kanab Creek




Photo Page 3


Construction of second observation platform.
In early 2003 I returned to Arizona to complete a second viewing platform at Honanki. Due to the rock source available nearly all stone used had to be split and dressed using a rock drill, feathers and wedges, bull set and hand chisels. This structure was not required to be wheelchair accessible which allowed me to install stairs and the trail leading to it at a steeper grade.

Chiseling tread.
To allow access to the second platform tread was carved from bed rock using a diamond tipped saw and hand chisels.

Begining of second platform.

Stairway construction.
Moving the large dressed stones into position was greatly aided by the use of a skyline.

Finished wall leading to platform.

Second platform newly completed.